
CoTM: Chapter 14 - Favours

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Curse Of The Medallion: Chapter 14 - Favours



Everyone around her stood to in eerie silence, processing her words that tumbled out of her mouth before she could prevent it. That is, until Zexal decided to speak up for their benefit, taking charge of the situation as his calculating eyes laid upon her.

“Why didn’t you tell us sooner?” he questioned warily and sceptical, folding his arms in the process.

Roxanne’s eyes narrowed automatically, it seemed like a natural reaction where he was concerned. She straightened herself. “Everyone needed to recover after that attack. You couldn’t expect these people to climb further without proper respite.”

Zexal seemed taken aback by her response at first, but he quickly caught on as he cocked an eyebrow, more so in disbelief than anything else. “You’re actually concerned for their state now? You sure there wasn’t another motive?”

The cave became silent again as Roxanne stiffened. Anti-Maxus – she had to refer to him as something – snorted behind her, watching the scene before him. She thought he would have disappeared when Maxus escorted her back, but evidently, this was all too amusing for him to simply leave now. It was incredibly difficult to not lose her temper with him, but she knew what would happen if she was ever witnessed yelling at the top of her lungs to an empty space. It would not help the allegiance, even if only temporary, and he certainly wasn’t helping with her situation now. Nonetheless, that thought alone didn’t stop Roxanne from carefully shifting her eyes in his direction, as a warning. If his smirk meant anything, it meant he was enjoying her struggle with elaborating the most. To her surprise, he actually silenced himself, throwing his hands up in surrender as he leant back against the cave wall.

Roxanne turned back to Zexal, realising her delayed silence a little too late. “I’m telling you now.” She replied, acting indifferent. “It’s a bit of a hike, but I know he can provide us with the appropriate transport. He owes me favours.”

Zexal nodded, but still looked unconvinced. She didn’t pay it any heed as she stepped forward to gather belongings, bag upon bag. Another bold voice spoke up from the crowd, confirming what she already knew – she was quickly making enemies among her allies.

“And if it’s another trap?”

“No.” Maxus suddenly intervened. “She wouldn’t do that.” He then moved to stand beside, almost as if his presence was a reassuring gesture. “If you don’t trust her, you don’t trust me.”

That statement seemed to silence them, including Zexal who glanced between them, trying to keep a façade. There were a few nods exchanged, while others simply stared in suspicion, either way, whether they trusted her or not, as long as they were all able to leave this place, it didn’t matter to her.

Roxanne turned to stare at him for a few stolen seconds before she snapped herself out of it when she noticed Anti-Maxus grinning mischievously in the corner. She cleared her throat, which suddenly felt constricted.

“We should leave immediately. I have a feeling the weather won’t be this calm for much longer.” Without another word, Roxanne grabbed a backpack and threw it onto her shoulders before heading out of the cave. She scowled when she heard Anti-Maxus mocking her from behind. She honestly had no clue how much more she could endure.

Maxus’ concerned eyes followed her before he did the same, grabbing a backpack nearby, attempting to follow before a gentle hand rested on his shoulder. He sighed as he was forced to turn around.

“You’re certain about her? That she isn’t working against us?” Mary asked, visibly pained at asking such questions.

Maxus involuntary frowned. He was getting a little frustrated of how many people among them suspected her. It was beginning to put him in a sour mood.

“Yes.” He replied instantly.

Mary’s featured softened slightly to his surprise. “She hasn’t misled you before?”

That particular question seemed to linger in his mind as he thought back to their previous encounters. Roxanne had on occasions, but he wasn’t planning on admitting that, it would raise more suspicion. Besides, the past was not to dwell on as circumstances were different now. She was…changing. He could tell. He was sure of it. Maxus exhaled sharply through his nose in response, glancing outside briefly in Roxanne’s direction.

“I’m just saying, if you have faith in her, then that’s enough for me. I trust your word, so I’ll trust hers.”

Maxus gave small smile, a strange sense of relief washing over him. “Thank you.”


The hike was perilous. With the ascending height, the greater risk there was of an avalanche. One could be easily triggered by a single movement or a shift of weight. It was unnerving to say the least. At least in their favour, the winds had almost faded to nothing just as Roxanne had predicted, so it was only a matter of time, as parts of the mountain began to crumble beneath them as they treaded carefully, urging them to pick up the pace. Roxanne had scouted ahead during every resting point, adamant that she would not waste the remaining energy she had left. She growled in frustration when the others settled again, dropping the supplies to catch their breaths.

Roxanne couldn’t describe it, but there was some unknown force that was keeping her going, that was preventing her from stopping. Even though she should be out of breath like the rest of them due to their current height, but she wasn’t.

“We can’t afford to keep stopping! We’re wasting daylight!” She called back in frustration, trudging through the snow.

Maxus sighed as he attended to a soldier who needed water, then to another who claimed to have sprained something when he had only just escaped a fatal fall hours ago. These men were in no way unfit for the task, it wasn’t that. Roxanne was pushing them way too hard.
Maxus went to stand beside Mary, who was panting harshly.

“You okay?” he rested his hand on her shoulder.

“Yeah , just – it’s getting harder to breathe up here…” she struggled to reply.

“Yeah, I know” Maxus was particularly breathless himself, he was feeling the lack of air pressure as they climbed even further, so he wondered how Roxanne could keep going like she was. Was she pushing herself too much? When he glanced up, he found Roxanne pressing on again, to which he huffed. Something wasn’t right here. “Wait here. Catch your breaths”

Maxus called out to her as he pursued, but she seemed focused, too concentrated to acknowledge him, so he had no choice but to leave and give chase. When he finally caught up, he began walking alongside her at her pace, eyes completely focused on her.

“Why the hell are you in such a rush?”

“I’m not. I just don’t need to rest.”

“Yes you do. We all do. The higher we go, you’ve got expect more breaks than usual. Believe it or not, we’re not invincible.” Maxus chuckled humourlessly, finally gaining Roxanne’s gaze.

Roxanne scowled, “They’re soldiers for god’s sake. They’ve been specifically trained for situations like this.”

“Maybe so, but you can’t keep pushing them on like this. They’re not like us and you need to remember that.”

Something shifted in her then, as Maxus observed her eyes suddenly growing cold. “I always said they were dead weights from the start.”

Maxus stopped dead in his tracks.

“Cold. But she has a fair point.” Anti-Maxus scoffed, glancing between them as he sat on the ledge.

Roxanne stopped herself and turned to meet Maxus’ wide eyes. He shook his head slowly, exhaling a slow breathe. “I don’t understand you…”

Something about those words stung. Deep to her core.

“It’s like you’re two different people. One minute you’re in my room trembling because of nightmares and the next – I can’t – I can’t keep up with you. And I – “He stopped himself; feeling the lump in his throat shift uncomfortably.

“Go on. Say it.” Roxanne pushed sharply.

Maxus then looked into her eyes, her cold, piercing eyes. “I can’t tell which one is the real you, if I even know the real you at all.” It hurt. It did, but he needed to say this aloud before it completely tore him apart. He suddenly felt sick.

Roxanne’s jaw tensed as she felt her own stomach sink, but she only scoffed, hiding how much she was really affected. “I think you do.”

Maxus lifted his head at that, his brow creasing.

“You do, but you just won’t accept it. You knew deep down I was a lost cause, that I wasn’t able to change and you were right. From the moment we met, I think you mentally made that your task, to try and help me – redeem me. You didn’t think I had just fallen into your arms like a victim, did you? It doesn’t work like that. I don’t need to be redeemed. The sooner you accept that, the sooner we can finish this damn assignment and go our separate ways.” She noticed that Maxus had frozen during her speech. He looked pale, but she only pushed further.

“It’s a cruel world, Maxus. I thought you of all people would understand that. Now, I’m going to get us transport even if it kills me.” Roxanne’s voice suddenly cracked at her last sentence, which she silently scolded herself for as she left without daring to glance at his expression.

For the first time in a while, he could not stop her, couldn’t pursue. He couldn’t move from his spot. Maxus was speechless, but he was screaming inside. Hell, he wanted to yell and scream now, but he thought better of it, because of course this would happen. He had gotten ahead of himself. Optimism was once again his downfall. Zexal had clearly warned him about this, had been wary of her from the get go, but Maxus had honestly thought that she –

Maxus suddenly growled in anger, needed a method to release all of these emotions that were rushing through him. He was in this way too deep. His weakness for her coming back to haunt him again. Maxus clutched his head, dragging his nails down his scalp in frustration as his pulse thundered in his ears. There was no way of pushing this aside, unlike Roxanne had obviously done, because he couldn’t let her go like that. He knew his feelings for her only intensified, consumed him, probably since he first saw her again in the city. He could even say –

Maxus growled again, choosing to stumble over to a tree, scraping his nails down the bark. “Damn you, Roxanne” There was real heat behind it, just a way of reflecting the hurt that was crippling him. However, he had to compose himself; he needed to focus on the mission. Especially if it was the only way of keeping his mind at bay.

He silently thanked whoever was still on his die above him that he picked the right moment to head back, as he had spotted Mary approaching. Maxus pulled his best reassuring smile as he made his past her. She obviously saw right through it though.

“Maxus, what happened?”

He ignored her question, sniffing briefly from the cold. “Gather the others.”
Mary’s gaze followed him, before she turned in Roxanne’s direction, watching as her silhouette disappeared over the rocks. She had noticed the defeated posture before he straightened himself. Her eyes narrowed as she glanced up, before she joined the others below.


Eventually, the others found Roxanne standing by her lonesome, outside of another cave entrance; only this one was blocked off by a large, steel door. Confused and wary glances were exchanged as Roxanne knocked with more force than was needed. They waited, but there was no answer. She knocked again, growing impatient.

“Ash? Get out here.”

Still no answer.

“ASH!” she yelled.

“Jesus Christ, are you trying to cause an avalanche?!” A soldier hissed, but she ignored them.

To everyone’s surprise, there was a groan heard on the other side of the door, soon followed by approaching footsteps. Clangs of metal echoed in the cave, as the locks were clicked, the door opening ajar. Only for the newcomer to attempt at slamming it in Roxanne’s face.

“For the love of – Roxanne!” Ash hissed, failing when Roxanne suddenly slammed a firm hand on the door to prevent it from being shut.

“Is that any way to greet me after, what – 8 months?”

“How the hell did you know where I was?” he whispered.

She smirked. “I have my ways. Now, come on –“

“No way” Ash said sharply, trying again to close the door, but Roxanne stuck her foot out. “Rox – I told you never to follow me.”

“I was only concerned.” Roxanne shrugged, trying to act innocent in the matter.

“Look. What do you want?” he sighed exasperatedly.

“We’ll talk inside, right now it’s freezing”

Ash glanced behind her briefly, eyes scanning between the soldiers before casting on Zexal and Maxus. He suddenly seemed cautious. Was this another alliance? Or was it one of her cons? He knew the kind of alliance she had with Ratchet in the past, when Ash and Roxanne had worked alongside each other. It was necessary for them, as they had nowhere else to go, no other home to return to. However, for the both of them, it wasn’t a place that lasted, which he was grateful for. Ratchet was a loose cannon, with an overwhelming lust for power… or vengeance. Either way, in the end, it will be his downfall, he was sure of it. He had committed genocide and killed many of the Fearsome Fighters’ members. Ash shuddered at the thought of him out there, hiding, or plotting something else, something much bigger.

Meanwhile, it seemed Roxanne had moved on, met new people and made new alliances, not just with other Mobians but with the humans too, even if it wasn’t her decision. She needed this, and if he was honest, he was a little envious of her. Roxanne had started again, while he dwelled on the past and never even thought about his future.

“What’s with all the guns and company? You in trouble again?” he smirked, toying with her.

Roxanne hummed. “Maybe”

Maxus squinted as he glanced behind her, wary of the stranger and how he was so familiar with Roxanne.

“I don’t –“

“Hey, without me, Ratchet would’ve had your head on a silver platter. You owe me” She teased, pointed a finger in his direction, watching as he grimaced before sighing, finally opening the door this time.

As he revealed himself, Maxus took in his appearance; the black hair, bright green spiky hair, leather jacket and studded boots. He looked like the sort Roxanne would have familiarities with. She suddenly turned back to them, arms crossed defiantly.

“You see? No troops. No traps. Happy?” she said bitterly, before grabbing Ash by the waist and yanking him towards her. “This is Ash, a lifelong friend of mine.”

“Lifelong? Since when?” Ash scoffed, although generally confused at first.

Maxus noticed Roxanne’s grip around him tighten instinctively. His jaw tensed, along with a prickle of something spreading through his body. The feeling only got worse when he noted the entwining of their fingers, Roxanne swaying their arms playfully as she smiled at him, which seemed like something she did regularly, if Ash’s eye roll was a hint. The gesture was brief as Ash retracted his hand, but it did not go unnoticed by Maxus as he exhaled sharply.

“You planning on helping us or not?” Maxus asked bitterly, pinning him with a stare that demanded answers.

Ash glared right back for a swift moment, until he chuckled humourlessly and gestured inside for them to enter, out of the oncoming rain, which was due anything second with the dark clouds overhead. The steel screaked loudly as the soldiers stepped inside. When everyone had gathered, Ash closed the door behind them before he began to walk through the cave, Roxanne following close behind.

As she stared at her surroundings with interest, she unintentionally caught Maxus’ eyes, to which she turned away instantly, clearing her throat. “Wow, you’ve really outdone yourself this time, Ash.”

Ash stopped in his tracks, her unamused expression. “You know this is only temporary, I just needed…to leave. I don’t expect you to understand –“

“Believe me, I don’t.” She then shook her head, as if remembering something important, “So, where is your junk heap, then?”

He looked offended, but replied anyway. “That’s what you came here for? You want my ship?”

“What were you expecting, a friendly visit?” Roxanne sneered, sauntering past him.

“Well, transport.” Mary spoke up.


Maxus huffed again, folding and unfolding his arms as he took a step forward. “Our aircraft was attacked during flight, we crash landed and now we need another form of transport to get to our destination.”

“An ambush?” Ash instantly looked to Roxanne, rolling his eyes at her. “Who else have you ticked off?”

Roxanne shrugged innocently.

“That doesn’t matter.” Maxus interrupted stiffly.

“Ok, level with me. What’s your problem?” Ash growled, taking a step towards Maxus as he grew impatient. Maxus felt an automatic sneer he couldn’t prevent appearing on his lips as Ash invaded his space.

“Ash” Roxanne snapped. “It’s important. I wouldn’t have asked you if I wasn’t desperate.”

Ash sighed, “Give me twenty four hours, and I should have her up and running.” And with that, he turned away.  

“Tw-twenty four hours? Ash we need it now!”

“It hasn’t been used for months. There’s parts missing and some that need adjusting. What did you expect? This “–he gestured to them all – “ is really out of the blue.

“Well I’m sorry I couldn’t give you a few days’ notice!” Roxanne growled, before whipping around, knocking something over beside her. How long would they have to wait this out? Well, at least they were finally getting somewhere.

Wow, so much angst. Get a grip you two. Don't worry, the story's going to be moving in the next chapter.

Maxus/Zexal belong to :iconshadowsong95:

Roxanne/Ash belong to :iconsilverwolfgal1:

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© 2014 - 2024 SilverWolfGal1
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Shadowsong95's avatar
Oh god this it perfect. Jealousy, anger, heartbreak. This is probably the best chapter so far.